
People and Culture-

Purpose-driven innovators with shared values

We provide our employees with principles and guidance on how to push boundaries and meet our purpose and values in their specific function.

Diversity at Gchemics

Diversity and inclusion are integral parts of Gchemics’s global talent management strategy. We want to embrace personal characteristics, rediscover potentials, challenge existing preconceptions and engage in dialogue with all of our colleagues.

We see and leverage diversity as our strength. It is precisely because of our differences in terms of age, gender, origin, beliefs, orientations, and (dis-)abilities, that each one of us can make a unique contribution to our company’s success. This holds true for all the regions in which we act and for all levels of hierarchy.

The C³ values

To us, diversity also means going beyond traditional ways of acting and thinking. This mindset is reflected in Covestro’s official corporate values. Whether it concerns each one of us on a personal level or Covestro as a whole: we always strive to be curious, courageous, and colourful. Take a closer look at the C³ values of Gchemics.

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At Gchemics, we want to make the world a brighter place. To this aim, we are focusing fully on the circular economy.